The intention with chronic dieters is to re-educate them, and help free them of the toxic emotional and physiological repercussions of long term, unsuccessful dieting. It’s important to remember that I'm am doing an “intellectual intervention.” This is about a psychic rescue mission to help save people from the pains of a cultural practice that fails to deliver on it’s promise, and oddly enough contributes to and perpetuates the very condition it is meant to alleviate.
Lets Get Clear for a min
Dieting doesn’t work for a number of key reasons:
A. First, when we artificially restrict caloric intake, when we simply don’t eat enough food because we are following a low calorie diet, the body commonly goes into what’s called a “survival response.” This is a version of the physiologic stress response where your body thinks it’s quite suddenly on a desert island, or that it’s food supply has been cut off because of famine or natural disaster. At such times – and this is a brilliant mechanism built into our physiology – the brain instructs the body to hold onto body weight, to vigorously store body fat, to not build any muscle, and to burn calories very slowly. All this is because the body correctly interprets that it’s starving, and it needs to do whatever it can do to survive. When you diet, your body thinks it’s on that same desert island because the food supply is severely limited, and your calorie-burning metabolism literally and physiologically changes overnight. Dieting is doing the exact opposite of what you wanted it to do.
B. Next, when you do what most dieters do – skip meals, or eat a tiny breakfast and a small lunch, and then a big dinner, you are going against the natural bio-nutritional circadian rhythms of the body. This simply means that your body is optimally designed to digest and assimilate the bulk of its’ calories at mid-day, when the sun is highest in the sky – approximately 12pm to 1:30pm. These hours are literally your peak digestive power times, and calorie burning power times. You keep starving yourself in the morning and at lunch, eating a tiny amount of food, and thinking that you’re a good girl because you haven’t eaten much. Meanwhile, you are simply confusing your body, feeding it at the wrong times for peak calorie burning efficiency, and once again, because your body senses a lack of food at the key meals of breakfast and lunch, it goes into a survival response and slows down calorie burning and fat burning.
C. Next, like many dieters, you are restricting your intake of healthy dietary fat. Most people erroneously have the false belief that “fat in food = fat on my body.” This is old science, bad science, outdated science, and it’s shocking that it’s still being practiced. It’s the equivalent of believing the sun revolves around the earth. Fats - EFAs, are essential to life. When we are too low in fat, we literally become clinically or sub-clinically fat deficient. One of the symptoms of fat deficiency is inability to lose weight. Isn’t that a brain bender? Interestingly, you have some of the other symptoms of fat deficiency – constipation, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, digestive weakness, fatigue, poor memory, mood issues, redness around the eyes. Once again, dieting is giving you the opposite of what you wanted.
D. Next, the nature of most dieters is that they fight food. You think food is the enemy. You think appetite is the enemy. These, of course are biologically absurd strategies and thoughts. Food is essential for life. Saying food is the enemy is like saying oxygen and breathing is the enemy. We are designed by evolution and the Grand Intelligence to need food, require it, and desire it. Fighting the need for food is like trying to fight the need for blood flow. But here’s the important fact – when you fight appetite or fight the need for food, we put ourselves in a physiologic stress response. So the day-in, day-out fight against eating creates a low level stress physiology where cortisol and insulin are increased, which in turn signals the body to hold onto weight, not lose any weight, and to burn fat as slowly as possible. Fighting food creates the exact opposite effect that you’re looking for.
E. Next, like many dieters, you follow a diet that’s low in pleasure. You have the belief that pleasure is somehow bad, and if you have some, you’ll lose control. You live in fear of appetite, of desire, of receiving pleasure from food. As it turns out, the brain is programmed to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Every organism on the planet is designed this way. Pleasure is not something frivolous. It’s a literal psycho-physiologic need. With a deficiency in pleasure, the body becomes even more hungry, more ravenous. When you keep denying yourself the simple pleasures of food and nourishment, the eventual response is stress and anxiety. The body feels deprived. So once again, we shift into stress physiology, and the results are excess weight or inability to lose it. Pleasure literally catalyzes the relaxation response, which promotes the optimum state of calorie burning.
So, these are just a few of the major reasons why diets don’t work. I work differently. By getting you off of dieting and back into real eating, real nourishment, your body can begin to find it’s true, natural weight. This means that in our work together, you’ll be learning to make friends with food, friends with appetite, and with pleasure. You’ll be calling a cease fire on the war against body fat and the war against the need to eat, and by doing so, you’ll shift your body out of the stress state it’s been living in – a state of weight gain or inability to lose it – and into a physiologic relaxation response which promotes optimum health and weight. You’ll be learning how to eat regularly, to trust the wisdom of your body, to trust your appetite, to slow down with food, and to find a way to eat that’s fun, enjoyable, stress free, and that you can carry forward to the rest of your life. The alternative is to stay in dieting misery with the same miserable results. Do you think you’re on board to try something different?